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商君書 - Shang Jun Shu

[Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)] English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?]
Books referencing 《商君書》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: 《商子》, "The Book of Lord Shang"]

來民 - Encouragement of Immigration

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?] Library Resources
4 來民:
Encouragement of Immigration:...:
Now, if Your Majesty will issue a favourable proclamation to the effect that those soldiers of the various feudal lords who will come and submit, will be granted exemption for three generations, without hearing anything of military affairs, and that those who live within the four boundaries of Qin, in the mountains and on the slopes, on hills and in marshes, will not be called upon for ten years for military service, and if this is made clear in the law, it will be possible to create a million workers. I have said before: 'In reflecting upon the nature of the people, what they desire are fields and houses. Now, whereas it is probable that Jin does not have these, it is certain that Qin has them in surplus. If in spite of this the people do not migrate westward, it is because the soldiers of Qin are in sore plight, and the people suffer hardships.' Now, if they are benefited with land and houses, and exemption from taxes for three generations is granted them, that is, if a point is made of giving them what they desire and of not causing them to perform what they dislike, then all the people from east of the mountains will migrate westward. Moreover, to state the case frankly: if You do not act thus, You may fill the empty and waste lands and produce natural wealth, so that a million people are engaged in the fundamental occupation, and the benefits will be manifold, but how will You prevent the soldiers from failing in their attacks?

6 來民:
Encouragement of Immigration:...:
When I speak of soldiers, I do not mean that all should be raised and mobilized to the last man, but according to the number of armies, soldiers, chariots and cavalry that can be furnished within the territory, cause the old population of Qin to serve as soldiers and the new people to provide fodder and food. Should there be a state in the empire that does not submit, then Your Majesty should, herewith, in spring prevent their farming, in summer live on their produce, in autumn lay hold of their harvest, and in winter pickle their vegetables: by the methods of the "Great Warfare" shake their fundamental means of existence, and by those of the "Extensive Culture" pacify their descendants. If Your Majesty follows this policy, then within ten years the various feudal lords will have no people from other countries and wherefore, then, should Your Majesty be sparing in the conferment of titles or regard exemption from taxes as a serious matter? At the victories in the Zhou and in the Hua battles, Qin extended its territory eastwards by cutting off heads, but it is clear that there was no advantage in this eastward extension; and yet officials regard these events as great accomplishments, because loss was inflicted on the enemy. Now, if the people of the three Jin states are induced to immigrate by means of grasslands and cottages, and if they are made to occupy themselves with primary things, then this way of inflicting damage on the enemy is just as real as a victory in war, and Qin will have the advantage of obtaining agricultural products. Conversely, by this plan, two birds will be hit with one stone.

8 來民:
Encouragement of Immigration:...:
Amongst the citizens of Qi was one Dong-guo Chang, who had very many desires and wished to have ten thousand pieces of gold. When his retainer begged for a monetary subsidy (in case he would obtain that money), he would not give it, saying: 'I want to use it to obtain a fief.' His retainer became angry, and left him and went to Song, saying: 'This is being stingy about what he has not; therefore he is now in a worse position than when he first had me with him.' Now Jin has the people, and Qin is sparing in the granting of exemptions from taxes; this is being stingy about what one has not, with the result that one loses what one might have. Is this not just like Dong-guo Chang's being stingy about what he did not have, and so losing his retainer?

賞刑 - Rewards and Punishments

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?]
Books referencing 《賞刑》 Library Resources
5 賞刑:
Rewards and Punishments:...:
Duke Wen of Jin wished to make clear the system of punishments, in order to gain the affection of the people. Thereupon, he assembled together all the feudal lords and great officers in the Shi-Qian Palace, but Dien Xie arrived too late and asked for punishment. The prince said: 'Employ stabbing, and the lictors thereupon cut through Dien Xie's spine and made him die an expiatory death. The scholars of the state of Jin, having investigated the matter, were all afraid, and said: 'Considering that Dien Xie was a favourite and still he has been sawn through, as an expiatory death, how will it fare with us?' He raised an army and attacked Cao and Wu-lu. He also overturned the lowlands of Zheng and veered towards the east the fields of Wei; he conquered the people of Jing at Cheng-pu. The soldiers of his three armies were so disciplined that stopping them was as if their feet were cut off and in marching they were like flowing water, and none of the soldiers of the three armies dared to transgress his prohibitions. So by basing himself on this one affair of Dien Xie, where a light offence was severely punished, Duke Wen caused the state of Jin to enjoy order.

定分 - Fixing of Rights and Duties

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?]
Books referencing 《定分》 Library Resources
4 定分:
Fixing of Rights and...:
Law is the authoritative principle for the people, and is the basis of government; it is what shapes the people. Trying to govern while eliminating the law is like a desire not to be hungry while eliminating food, or a desire not to be cold while eliminating clothes, or a desire to go east while one moves west. It is clear enough that there is no hope of realizing it. That a hundred men will chase after a single hare that runs away, is not for the sake of the hare; for when they are sold everywhere on the market, even a thief does not dare to take one away, because their legal title is definite. Thus if the legal title is not definite, then even men like Yao, Shun, Yu or Tang would all rush to chase after it, but if the legal title is definite even a poor thief would not take it. Now if laws and mandates are not clear, nor their titles definite, the men of the empire have opportunities for discussion; in their discussions they will differ and there will be no definiteness. If above the ruler of men makes laws, but below the inferior people discuss them, the laws will not be definite and inferiors will become superiors. This may be called a condition where rights and duties are indefinite. When rights and duties are indefinite, even men like Yao and Shun will become crooked and commit acts of wickedness, how much more then the mass of the people ! This is the way in which wickedness and wrong-doing will be greatly stimulated, the ruler of men will be despoiled of his authority and power, will ruin his country and bring disaster upon the altar of the soil and grain.

Total 5 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.