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先秦兩漢 - Pre-Qin and Han

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儒家 - Confucianism

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論語 - The Analects

[Spring and Autumn - Warring States] 480 BC-350 BC English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《論語》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: "The Analects of Confucius", "The Confucian Analects"]

里仁 - Li Ren

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《里仁》 Library Resources
2 里仁:
Li Ren:
The Master said, "Those who are without virtue cannot abide long either in a condition of poverty and hardship, or in a condition of enjoyment. The virtuous rest in virtue; the wise desire virtue."

公冶 - Gong Ye Chang

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 公冶長:
Gong Ye Chang:
The Master said of Gong Ye Chang that he might be wived; although he was put in bonds, he had not been guilty of any crime. Accordingly, he gave him his own daughter to wife.

述而 - Shu Er

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《述而》 Library Resources
37 述而:
Shu Er:
The Master said, "The superior man is satisfied and composed; the mean man is always full of distress."

鄉黨 - Xiang Dang

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《鄉黨》 Library Resources
6 鄉黨:
Xiang Dang:
The superior man did not use a deep purple, or a puce color, in the ornaments of his dress. Even in his undress, he did not wear anything of a red or reddish color. In warm weather, he had a single garment either of coarse or fine texture, but he wore it displayed over an inner garment. Over lamb's fur he wore a garment of black; over fawn's fur one of white; and over fox's fur one of yellow. The fur robe of his undress was long, with the right sleeve short. He required his sleeping dress to be half as long again as his body. When staying at home, he used thick furs of the fox or the badger. When he put off mourning, he wore all the appendages of the girdle. His undergarment, except when it was required to be of the curtain shape, was made of silk cut narrow above and wide below. He did not wear lamb's fur or a black cap on a visit of condolence. On the first day of the month he put on his court robes, and presented himself at court.

先進 - Xian Jin

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《先進》 Library Resources
14 先進:
Xian Jin:
Some parties in Lu were going to take down and rebuild the Long Treasury. Min Zi Qian said, "Suppose it were to be repaired after its old style; why must it be altered and made anew?" The Master said, "This man seldom speaks; when he does, he is sure to hit the point."

26 先進:
Xian Jin:
Zi Lu, Zeng Xi, Ran You, and Gong Xi Hua were sitting by the Master. He said to them, "Though I am a day or so older than you, do not think of that. From day to day you are saying, 'We are not known.' If some ruler were to know you, what would you like to do?" Zi Lu hastily and lightly replied, "Suppose the case of a state of ten thousand chariots; let it be straitened between other large states; let it be suffering from invading armies; and to this let there be added a famine in corn and in all vegetables - if I were intrusted with the government of it, in three years' time I could make the people to be bold, and to recognize the rules of righteous conduct." The Master smiled at him. Turning to Ran You, he said, "Qiu, what are your wishes?" Qiu replied, "Suppose a state of sixty or seventy li square, or one of fifty or sixty, and let me have the government of it - in three years' time, I could make plenty to abound among the people. As to teaching them the principles of propriety, and music, I must wait for the rise of a superior man to do that." "What are your wishes, Chi," said the Master next to Gong Xi Hua. Chi replied, "I do not say that my ability extends to these things, but I should wish to learn them. At the services of the ancestral temple, and at the audiences of the princes with the sovereign, I should like, dressed in the dark square-made robe and the black linen cap, to act as a small assistant." Last of all, the Master asked Zeng Xi, "Dian, what are your wishes?" Dian, pausing as he was playing on his lute, while it was yet twanging, laid the instrument aside, and said, "My wishes are different from the cherished purposes of these three gentlemen." Said the Master, "What harm is there in that? Do you also, as well as they, speak out your wishes." Dian then said, "In this, the last month of spring, with the dress of the season all complete, along with five or six young men who have assumed the cap, and six or seven boys, I would wash in the Yi, enjoy the breeze among the rain altars, and return home singing." The Master heaved a sigh and said, "I give my approval to Dian." The three others having gone out, Zeng Xi remained behind, and said, "What do you think of the words of these three friends?" The Master replied, "They simply told each one his wishes." Xi pursued, "Master, why did you smile at You?" He was answered, "The management of a state demands the rules of propriety. His words were not humble; therefore I smiled at him." Xi again said, "But was it not a state which Qiu proposed for himself?" The reply was, "Yes; did you ever see a territory of sixty or seventy li or one of fifty or sixty, which was not a state?" Once more, Xi inquired, "And was it not a state which Chi proposed for himself?" The Master again replied, "Yes; who but princes have to do with ancestral temples, and with audiences but the sovereign? If Chi were to be a small assistant in these services, who could be a great one?"

憲問 - Xian Wen

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《憲問》 Library Resources
43 憲問:
Xian Wen:
Yuan Rang was squatting on his heels, and so waited the approach of the Master, who said to him, "In youth not humble as befits a junior; in manhood, doing nothing worthy of being handed down; and living on to old age - this is to be a pest." With this he hit him on the shank with his staff.

微子 - Wei Zi

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《微子》 Library Resources
6 微子:
Wei Zi:
Chang Zu and Jie Ni were at work in the field together, when Confucius passed by them, and sent Zi Lu to inquire for the ford. Chang Zu said, "Who is he that holds the reins in the carriage there?" Zi Lu told him, "It is Kong Qiu.', "Is it not Kong Qiu of Lu?" asked he. "Yes," was the reply, to which the other rejoined, "He knows the ford." Zi Lu then inquired of Jie Ni, who said to him, "Who are you, sir?" He answered, "I am Zhong You." "Are you not the disciple of Kong Qiu of Lu?" asked the other. "I am," replied he, and then Jie Ni said to him, "Disorder, like a swelling flood, spreads over the whole empire, and who is he that will change its state for you? Rather than follow one who merely withdraws from this one and that one, had you not better follow those who have withdrawn from the world altogether?" With this he fell to covering up the seed, and proceeded with his work, without stopping. Zi Lu went and reported their remarks, when the Master observed with a sigh, "It is impossible to associate with birds and beasts, as if they were the same with us. If I associate not with these people - with mankind - with whom shall I associate? If right principles prevailed through the empire, there would be no use for me to change its state."

7 微子:
Wei Zi:
Zi Lu, following the Master, happened to fall behind, when he met an old man, carrying across his shoulder on a staff a basket for weeds. Zi Lu said to him, "Have you seen my master, sir?" The old man replied, "Your four limbs are unaccustomed to toil; you cannot distinguish the five kinds of grain - who is your master?" With this, he planted his staff in the ground, and proceeded to weed. Zi Lu joined his hands across his breast, and stood before him. The old man kept Zi Lu to pass the night in his house, killed a fowl, prepared millet, and feasted him. He also introduced to him his two sons. Next day, Zi Lu went on his way, and reported his adventure. The Master said, "He is a recluse," and sent Zi Lu back to see him again, but when he got to the place, the old man was gone. Zi Lu then said to the family, "Not to take office is not righteous. If the relations between old and young may not be neglected, how is it that he sets aside the duties that should be observed between sovereign and minister? Wishing to maintain his personal purity, he allows that great relation to come to confusion. A superior man takes office, and performs the righteous duties belonging to it. As to the failure of right principles to make progress, he is aware of that."

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