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墨家 - Mohism

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[Also known as: "Moism"]

墨子 - Mozi

[Spring and Autumn - Warring States] 490 BC-221 BC English translation: W. P. Mei [?]
Books referencing 《墨子》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: "Mo-tze"]

卷六 - Book 6

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources

節用上 - Economy of Expenditures I

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
2 節用上:
Economy of Expenditures I:...:
Besides, (the sages) again gave up all such hobbies as collecting pearls and jade, and pet birds, and animals such as dogs and horses, in order to replenish clothing, houses, armour, shields, and the five weapons, and boats and vehicles. And these were multiplied several times. But to increase these is not difficult. What, then, is difficult to increase? To increase the population is difficult. In ancient times, the sage-kings said: "No man of twenty should dare to be without a family; no girl of fifteen should dare to be without a master." Such were the laws of the sage-kings. Now that the sage-kings have passed away, the people have become loose. Those who like to have a family early sometimes marry at twenty. Those who like to have a family late sometimes marry at forty. When the late marriages are made up by the early ones, (the average) is still later than the legal requirements of the sage-kings by ten years. Supposing births are given to children on an average of one in three years, then two or three children should have been born (by the time men now marry). This is not just to urge men to establish families early in order to increase the population. But also...

1. 者 : Inserted.

節葬下 - Simplicity in Funerals III

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
3 節葬下:
Simplicity in Funerals III:...:
When the sage-kings of the Three Dynasties had passed away, and the world had become ignorant of their principles, some of the gentlemen in later generations regarded elaborate funeral and extended mourning as magnanimous, and righteous, and the duty of a filial son; while others held them to be not magnanimous, not righteous, and not the duty of the filial son. These two groups condemn each other in words and contradict each other in deed, and yet both claim to be followers of the way of Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu. But since they are disagreed in word and opposed in deed, people doubt the assertions of both. Now that the assertions of both are doubted, it will be well to turn to the government of the country and the people and see how elaborate funeral and extended mourning affect the three interests. In my opinion, if in adopting the doctrine and practising the principle, elaborate funeral and extended mourning could enrich the poor, increase the few, remove danger, and regulate disorder, it would be magnanimous, righteous, and the duty of a filial son. Those who are to give counsel could not but encourage it. And the magnanimous (ruler) would seek to have it flourish in the empire and establish it so as to have the people praise it and never disregard it in their whole life. (On the other hand,) if in adopting the doctrine and practising the principle, elaborate funeral and extended mourning really cannot enrich the poor, increase the few, remove danger, and regulate disorder, it will not be magnanimous, righteous, and the duty of the filial son. Those who are to give counsel cannot but discourage it. And the magnanimous will seek to have it abolished in the empire and abandon it so as to have the people condemn it, never to practise it in their whole life.

1. 也 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》
2. 仁者將興之天下,誰賈而使民譽之,終勿廢也。意亦使法其言,用其謀,厚葬久喪實不可以富貧眾寡,定危理亂乎,此非仁非義,非孝子之事也,為人謀者不可不沮也。 : Deleted.

7 節葬下:
Simplicity in Funerals III:...:
Now that it has failed to regulate jurisdiction and government, perhaps it can yet prevent the large states from attacking the small states? Again it is powerless. For since the ancient sage-kings have passed away and the world has become ignorant of their principles, the feudal lords resort to attack by force. On the south there are the kings of Chu and Yue, and on the north there are the lords of Qi and Jin. All of these show favours and encouragement to their warriors and soldiers, making it their business in the world to attack and absorb (others). Some small states, however, they do not attack, and this because these small states are well stored with supplies, their inner and outer city walls are in repair, and in them the superior and the subordinates are harmonious. Therefore the large states would not want to attack them. Those which are not well stored with supplies, whose inner and outer city walls are not in repair, and in which the superior and the subordinates are not harmonious, the large states would want to attack. Adopting elaborate funerals and extended mourning in government, the state will become poor, the people few, and jurisdiction disorderly. Since the state is poor, no surplus goods can be stored. Since its numbers are few, there will be few workmen to keep the city walls and moats in repair. Since it is disorderly, a state will not be victorious in attack or strong in defence.

卷八 - Book 8

Library Resources

明鬼下 - On Ghosts III

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
1 明鬼下:
On Ghosts III:
Mozi said: With the passing of the sage-kings of the Three Dynasties, the world lost its righteousness and the feudal lords took might as right. The superior and the subordinates are no longer gracious and loyal; father and son, elder and younger brother are no longer affectionate and filial, brotherly and respectful, virtuous and kind. The rulers do not attend diligently to government and the artisans do not attend earnestly to their work. The people practise immorality and wickedness and become rebellious. Thieves and bandits with weapons, poison, water, and fire hold up innocent travellers on the highways and the bypaths, robbing them of their carts and horses, coats and fur coats, to enrich themselves. All these start therewith (with the passing of the sage-kings). And so the world falls into chaos. Now what is the reason for this confusion? It is all because of the doubt of the existence of the ghosts and spirits, and the ignorance of their being able to reward virtue and punish vice. If all the people in the world believed that the spirits are able to reward virtue and punish vice, how could the world be in chaos?

1. 亂 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》

Total 4 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.