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墨家 -> 墨子 -> 卷八 -> 明鬼下 -> 14

If there are testimonies only in the books of Zhou and none in those of Shang still it could not be reliable.
:『But we find among the books of Shang the following: "Oh!
Anciently, before Xia was visited by misfortune,
of the various animals and insects
and even birds
none deviated from their proper course.
As to those who have faces of men, who dare be divergent in heart?
Even the hills and rivers ghosts and spirits dared not be insurgent.
天下』。If one is respectful and sincere one could maintain harmony in the world and stability to the lower earth.
Now it was to assist Yu that hills and rivers ghosts and spirits dared not be insurgent.
Here we have a testimony of ghosts in the book of Shang.
