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Scope: Geng-sang Chu Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "故敬之而不喜侮之而不怒者唯同乎天和者為然" Matched:1.
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庚桑楚 - Geng-sang Chu

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《庚桑楚》 Library Resources
19 庚桑楚:
Geng-sang Chu:
A man, one of whose feet has been cut off, discards ornamental (clothes) - his outward appearance will not admit of admiration. A criminal under sentence of death will ascend to any height without fear - he has ceased to think of life or death. When one persists in not reciprocating the gifts (of friendship), he forgets all others. Having forgotten all others, he may be considered as a Heaven-like man. Therefore when respect is shown to a man, and it awakens in him no joy, and when contempt awakens no anger, it is only one who shares in the Heaven-like harmony that can be thus. When he would display anger and yet is not angry, the anger comes out in that repression of it. When he would put forth action, and yet does not do so, the action is in that not-acting. Desiring to be quiescent, he must pacify all his emotions; desiring to be spirit-like, he must act in conformity with his mind. When action is required of him, he wishes that it may be right; and it then is under an inevitable constraint. Those who act according to that inevitable constraint pursue the way of the sage.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.