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Scope: Annals of the Xia Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "於是九州攸同四奧既居九山刊旅九川滌原九澤既陂四海會同" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

夏本纪 - Annals of the Xia

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17 夏本纪:
Annals of the Xia:
So throughout the nine provinces a similar order was effected: the four coasts were built over, the hills were cleared of their wood and sacrificed to, the streams had their sources scoured out, the marshes were well banked, and all within the four seas had access to the capital. The six treasuries of nature were made the most of, and the various parts of the country exactly compared so that the receipt of revenue could be carefully adjusted according to their resources. The three characters of the soil were classified, and the taxation fixed. The central government conferred lands and surnames. Revenue was paid to the Emperor's exalted virtue, which was set up as an example, and none opposed his Majesty's action.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.