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Condition 1: Contains text "帝庸作歌曰勑天之命惟時惟幾" Matched:1.
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益稷 - Yi and Ji

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《益稷》 Library Resources
6 益稷:
Yi and Ji:
The Di on this made a song, saying, 'We must deal cautiously with the favouring appointment of Heaven, at every moment and in the smallest particular.' He then sang.

'When the members (work) joyfully,
The head rises (grandly);
And the duties of all the offices are fully discharged!

Gao-Yao did obeisance with his head to his hands and then to the ground, and with a loud and rapid voice said,' Think (O Di). It is your to lead on and originate things. Pay careful attention to your laws (in doing so). Be reverential! and often examine what has been accomplished (by your officers). Be reverential!' With this he continued the song,

'When the head is intelligent,
The members are good;
And all affairs will be happily performed!'

Again he continued the song,

'When the head is vexatious,
The members are idle;
And all affairs will go to ruin!'

The Di said, 'Yes, go and be reverently (attentive to your duties).'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.