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Scope: Pan Geng I Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "予告汝于難若射之有志" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

盤庚上 - Pan Geng I

Books referencing 《盤庚上》 Library Resources
7 盤庚上:
予告汝于難,若射之有志。汝無侮老成人,無弱孤有幼。各長于厥居。勉出乃力,聽予一人之作猷。無有遠邇,用罪伐厥死,用德彰厥善。邦之臧,惟汝眾;邦之不臧,惟予一人有佚罰。凡爾眾,其惟致告:自今至于後日,各恭爾事,齊乃位,度乃口。 罰及爾身,弗可悔。」
Pan Geng I:
'I have announced to you the difficulties (of the intended movement), being bent on it, like an archer (whose only thought is to hit). Do not you despise the old and experienced, and do not make little of the helpless and young. Seek every one long continuance in this (new city), which is to be your abode; exert yourselves and put out your strength (in furthering the removal), and listen to the plans of me, the One man. I will make no distinction between men as being more distantly or more nearly related to me;--the criminal (in this matter) shall die the death, and the good-doer shall have his virtue distinguished. The prosperity of the country (ought to) come from you all. If it fail of prosperity, that must arise from me, the One man, erring in the application of punishment. Be sure, all of you, to make known this announcement. From this time forward, attend respectfully to your business; have (the duties of) your offices regularly adjusted; bring your tongues under the rule of law:--lest punishment come upon you, when repentance will be of no avail.'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.