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Scope: Calculation of Land Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "故為國任地者山陵居什一藪澤居什一谿谷流水居什一都邑蹊道居什四" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

算地 - Calculation of Land

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?] Library Resources
2 算地:
Calculation of Land:
In administering a state therefore, and in disposing of its territory, to populate the mountains and forests with a tenth of the people, the marshes and moors with a tenth, the valleys, dales and streams with a tenth, cities, towns and highways with four tenths was the correct rule of the former kings. In administering a state, therefore, and in dividing arable land, if a minimum of 500 mu is sufficient to support one soldier, it is not making proper use of the land. But if a territory of 100 square li supports 10,000 soldiers for war as a minimum, then it shows that the cultivated land is sufficient to nourish its population, that cities, towns and highways are sufficient to accommodate their inhabitants, that mountains and forests, marshes and moors, valleys and dales, are sufficient to provide profit, and that marshes and moors, dykes and embankments are sufficient for grazing. Therefore, when the army marches out and grain is given them, there is still a surplus of riches; when the army is resting and the people at work, the cattle are always sufficient. This is said to be the rule for making use of the land and for supporting soldiers.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.