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Condition 1: Contains text "挾重資歸偏家堯舜之所難也" Matched:1.
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算地 - Calculation of Land

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?] Library Resources
8 算地:
Calculation of Land:
But nowadays, it is not thus; that which the rulers of the world are particularly concerned about is not at all that of which the state stands in urgent need. In their persons, they have the conduct of Yao and Shun, but in their results they do not even approximate those of Tang or Wu. The mistake lies with the handle which they hold. Let me be permitted to set forth their error. In administrating the country, they reject power and indulge in talking. By talking, their persons become cultivated, but their success is small. So scholars, full of empty talk about the Odes and the Book of History, are held in esteem, so that people become restless and think lightly of their prince; scholars who are out of office are held in esteem, so that people become estranged and criticize their superiors; braves are held in esteem, so that the people become quarrelsome and think lightly of prohibitions; artisans are used, so that the people become volatile and easily move their places of abode; merchants and retailers, though leisurely, yet make profit, so that the people follow their example and discuss their superiors. Therefore, if these five kinds of people are used in the state, then fields will lie fallow and the army will be weak. The capital of scholars who are full of empty words lies in their mouths; that of scholars who are out of office lies in their ideas; that of braves in their valour, that of artisans in their hands, and that of merchants and retailers in their bodies. Thus, they can carry their personal capital round to any house on earth. If, for the people's capital, importance is attached to physical talents, and for their habitat they are dependent on the outside world, then those who carry considerable capital will become temporary sojourners. This would have caused difficulties even to Yao and Shun; therefore, Tang and Wu prohibited it, with the result that their success was established and their fame made.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.