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Scope: Wang Yun Prepares The Chaining Scheme; Dong Zhuo Rages At Phoenix Pavilion Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "次日使人喚布入堂慰之曰吾前日病中心神恍惚誤言傷汝汝勿記心" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

王司徒巧使連環計,董太師大鬧鳳儀亭 - Wang Yun Prepares The Chaining Scheme; Dong Zhuo Rages At Phoenix Pavilion

19 王司徒巧... :
Wang Yun Prepares The...:
Lu Bu went off home very wrath. Meeting Li Ru, he told Li Ru the cause of his anger.
The adviser hastened to see his master and said, "Sir, you aspire to be ruler of the empire. Why then for a small fault do you blame the General? If he turns against you, it is all over."
"Then what can I do?" said Dong Zhuo.
"Recall him tomorrow; treat him well; overwhelm him with gifts and fair words; and all will be well."
So Dong Zhuo did so. He sent for Lu Bu and was very gracious and said, "I was irritable and hasty yesterday owing to my illness and I wronged you, I know. Forgive me."
He gave Lu Bu three hundred ounces of gold and twenty rolls of brocade. And so the quarrel was made up. But though Lu Bu's body was with his adopted father Dong Zhuo, his heart was with his promised bride Diao Chan.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.