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Scope: Zhuge Liang Negotiates With Lu Su; Zhao Zilong Captures Guiyang Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "尚" Matched:3.
Total 2 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

諸葛亮智辭魯肅,趙子龍計取桂陽 - Zhuge Liang Negotiates With Lu Su; Zhao Zilong Captures Guiyang

2 諸葛亮智... :
Zhuge Liang Negotiates With...:
Soon Lu Su came in, to whom Zhou Yu said, "I simply must fight Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang till it is decided which shall have the upper hand. I must also recapture the cities. Perhaps you can assist me."
"It cannot be done," replied Lu Su. "We are now at grips with Cao Cao, and victory or defeat is undecided. Our lord has not been successful in overcoming Hefei. Do not fight near home, or it will be like people of the same household destroying each other. Should Cao Cao take advantage of this position to make a sudden descent, we should be in a parlous condition. Further, you must remember that Liu Bei and Cao Cao are united by the bonds of old friendship. If the pressure becomes too great, Liu Bei may relinquish these cities, offer them to Cao Cao, and join forces with him to attack the south. That would be a real misfortune."
"I cannot help being angry," said Zhou Yu, "to think that we should have used our resources for their benefit. They get all the advantage."
"Well, let me go and see Liu Bei and talk reason to him. If I can arrive at no understanding, then attack at once."
"Excellent proposal!" cried all present.

4 諸葛亮智... :
Zhuge Liang Negotiates With...:
Zhuge Liang replied, "Lu Su, you are a man of high intelligence. Why do you hold such language? You know the saying that all things return to their owner. These places have never belonged to the South Land, but were of the patrimony of Liu Biao, and though he is dead, his son remains. Should not the uncle assist the nephew to recover his own? Could my master have refrained?"
"If the nephew Liu Qi, the rightful heir, had occupied these cities, there would have been something to say. But he is at Jiangxia and not here."
"Would you like to see him?" said Zhuge Liang.
At the same time he ordered the servants to request Liu Qi to come. Thereupon Liu Qi at once appeared, supported by two attendants.
Addressing Lu Su, Liu Qi said, "I am too weak to perform the correct ceremonies. I pray you pardon me, Lu Su."
Lu Su said not a word. He was too much taken aback. However, he recovered himself presently and said, "But if the heir had not been here, what then?"
"The heir is living but from day to day. Should he go, then —-there will be something to talk about."
"Should he die, then you ought to return these cities to us."
"You state the exact facts," said Zhuge Liang.
Then a banquet was prepared.

Total 2 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.