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Scope: Zhuge Liang Foresees The Huarong Valley Episode; Guan Yu Lifts His Saber To Release Cao Cao Request type: Paragraph
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諸葛亮智算華容,關雲長義釋曹操 - Zhuge Liang Foresees The Huarong Valley Episode; Guan Yu Lifts His Saber To Release Cao Cao

14 諸葛亮智... :
Zhuge Liang Foresees The...:
As they were going. the soldiers said, "There are two roads before us. Which shall we take?"
"Which is the shorter?" asked Cao Cao.
"The high road is the more level, but it is fifteen miles longer than the bye road which goes to Huarong Valley. Only the latter road is narrow and dangerous, full of pits and difficult."
Cao Cao sent men up to the hill tops to look around.
They returned, saying: "There are several columns of smoke rising from the hills along the bye road. The high road seems quiet."
Then Cao Cao bade them lead the way along the bye road.
"Where smoke arises there are surely soldiers," remarked the officers. "Why go this way?"
"Because the 'Book of War' says that the hollow is to be regarded as solid, and the solid as hollow. That fellow Zhuge Liang is very subtle and has sent people to make those fires so that we should not go that way. He has laid an ambush on the high road. I have made up my mind, and I will not fall a victim to his wiles."
"O Prime Minister, your conclusions are most admirable. None other can equal you," said the officers.
And the soldiers were sent along the bye road. They were very hungry and many almost too weak to travel. The horses too were spent. Some had been scorched by the flames, and they rode forward resting their heads on their whips. The wounded struggled on to the last of their strength. All were soaking wet and all were feeble. Their arms and accouterments were in a deplorable state, and more than half had been left upon the road they had traversed. Few of the horses had saddles or bridles, for in the confusion of pursuit they had been left behind. It was the time of greatest winter cold, and the suffering was indescribable.

24 諸葛亮智... :
Zhuge Liang Foresees The...:
After having allowed the escape of Cao Cao, Guan Yu found his way back to headquarters. By this time the other detachments had returned bringing spoil of horses and weapons and supplies of all kinds. Only Guan Yu came back empty-handed. When he arrived, Zhuge Liang was with his brother congratulating him on his success. When Guan Yu was announced, Zhuge Liang got up and went to welcome him, bearing a cup of wine.
"Joy! O General," said Zhuge Liang. "You have done a deed that overtops the world. You have removed the empire's worst foe and ought to have been met at a distance and felicitated."

Total 2 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.