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Scope: Banquet On The Great River, Cao Cao Sings A Song; Battle On Water, Northerners Fight With Chained Ships Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "天色向晚東山月上皎皎如同白日" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

宴長江曹操賦詩,鎖戰船北軍用武 - Banquet On The Great River, Cao Cao Sings A Song; Battle On Water, Northerners Fight With Chained Ships

5 宴長江曹... :
Banquet On The Great...:
As evening drew on, the moon rose over the eastern hills in its immaculate beauty, and beneath it lay the broad belt of the river like a band of pure silk. It was a great assembly, and all the guests were clad in gorgeous silks and embroidered robes, and the arms of the fighting soldiers glittered in the moonlight. The officers, civil and military, were seated in their proper order of precedence.
The setting, too, was exquisite. The Southern Hills were outlined as in a picture; the boundaries of Chaisang lay in the east; the river showed west as far as Xiakou; on the south lay the Fan Mountains, on the north was the Black Forest. The view stretched wide on every side.
Cao Cao's heart was jubilant, and he harangued the assembly, saying, "My one aim since I enlisted my first small band of volunteers has been the removal of evil from the state, and I have sworn to cleanse the country and restore tranquillity. Now there is only left this land of the south to withstand me. I am at the head of a hundred legions. I depend upon you, gentlemen, and have no doubt of my final success. After I have subdued the South Land, there will be no trouble in all the country. Then we shall enjoy wealth and honor and revel in peace."
They rose in a body and expressed their appreciation, saying, "We trust that you may soon report complete victory, and we shall all repose in the shade of your good fortune."
In his elation, Cao Cao bade the servants bring more wine.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.