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Scope: Kan Ze Presents A Treacherous Letter; Pang Tong Suggests Chaining The Ships Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "开" Matched:2.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

闞澤密獻詐書,龐統巧授連環計 - Kan Ze Presents A Treacherous Letter; Pang Tong Suggests Chaining The Ships

16 闞澤密獻... :
Kan Ze Presents A...:
Jiang Gan tried to say something, but Zhou Yu would not listen. He turned his back and went into the recesses of his tent. The attendants led the visitor off, set him on a horse, and took him away over the hills to the small hut, leaving two soldiers to look after him.
When Jiang Gan found himself in the lonely hut, he was very depressed and had no desire to eat or sleep. But one night, when the stars were very brilliant, he strolled out to enjoy them. Presently he came to the rear of his lonely habitation and heard, near by, someone crooning over a book. Approaching with stealthy steps, he saw a tiny cabin half hidden in a cliff whence a slender beam or two of light stole out between the rafters. He went nearer and peeping in, saw a man reading by the light of a lamp near which hung a sword. And the book was Sun Zi's classic "The Art of War."
"This is no common person," thought Jiang Gan, and so he knocked at the door.
The door was opened by the reader, who bade him welcome with cultivated and refined ceremony. Jiang Gan inquired his name.
The host replied, "I am Pang Tong."
"Then you are surely the Master known as Young Phoenix, are you not?"
"Yes, I am he."
"How often have I heard you talked about! You are famous. But why are you hidden away in this spot?"
"That fellow Zhou Yu is too conceited to allow that anyone else has any talent, and so I live here quietly. But who are you, Sir?"
"I am Jiang Gan."

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.