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Scope: Yuan Shu Marches Out Seven Armies; Cao Cao And Three Generals Join Forces Request type: Paragraph
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袁公路大起七軍,曹孟德會合三將 - Yuan Shu Marches Out Seven Armies; Cao Cao And Three Generals Join Forces

11 袁公路大... :
Yuan Shu Marches Out...:
Having refused help to his powerful rival, Sun Ce thought it wise to take measures for his own safety. So he stationed an army at Jiangkou. Soon after came a messenger from Cao Cao bearing Sun Ce's appointment as Governor of Kuaiji with orders to raise an army and reduce Yuan Shu.
Sun Ce was inclined to carry out these orders, but he called a council at which Zhang Zhao opposed this course.
Said he, "Although recently defeated, Yuan Shu has large army and ample supplies. He is not to be attacked lightly. You had better write to Cao Cao persuading him to attack the South of River Huai and we will be auxiliaries. Between the two armies, Yuan Shu must certainly be defeated. If by the remotest chance we lose, we have Cao Cao to come to our rescue."
This plan was adopted, and a messenger was sent to lay it before Cao Cao.

20 袁公路大... :
Yuan Shu Marches Out...:
Cao Cao hesitated. Before he had made up his mind, there came an urgent message: "Zhang Xiu, with the support of Liu Biao, was ravaging the country all round. There were rebellions in Nanyang and Jiangling, and Cao Hong could not cope with it. Cao Hong had been worsted already in several engagements and was in sore straits."
Cao Cao at once wrote to Sun Ce to command the Great River so as to prevent any move on the part of Liu Biao, while he prepared his army to go to deal with Zhang Xiu. Before marching Cao Cao directed Liu Bei to station at Xiaopei, as he and Lu Bu being as brothers might help each other.
When Lu Bu had left for Xuzhou, Cao Cao said secretly to Liu Bei, "I am leaving you at Xiaopei to dig a 'pitfall for the tiger.' You will only take advice from Chen Deng and Chen Gui, and there can be no mishap. You will find so-and-so your ally when needed."

Total 2 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.