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A Dictionary of the Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen

Paul U. Unschuld - University of California Press, 2008

Book description

This dictionary reflects the English meanings of Chinese characters and character compounds laid down in the annotated edition of theHuang Di Nei Jing Su Wen,translated by Hermann Tessenow and Paul U. Unschuld. TheHuang Di Nei Jing Su Wenis a seminal text of ancient Chinese medicine and natural philosophy. It reflects empirical knowledge and the doctrines of yin-yang and Five Agents in the perception of the human body and its organs, qi and the blood, pathogenic agents, concepts of disease and diagnosis, and a variety of therapies, including acupuncture. The dictionary comes with a CD containing two concordances that list all characters along the pinyin-alphabetical sequence.

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