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Scope: Economy of Expenditures I Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "聖王即沒于民次也其欲蚤處家者有所二十年處家" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

節用上 - Economy of Expenditures I

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
2 節用上:
Economy of Expenditures I:...:
Besides, (the sages) again gave up all such hobbies as collecting pearls and jade, and pet birds, and animals such as dogs and horses, in order to replenish clothing, houses, armour, shields, and the five weapons, and boats and vehicles. And these were multiplied several times. But to increase these is not difficult. What, then, is difficult to increase? To increase the population is difficult. In ancient times, the sage-kings said: "No man of twenty should dare to be without a family; no girl of fifteen should dare to be without a master." Such were the laws of the sage-kings. Now that the sage-kings have passed away, the people have become loose. Those who like to have a family early sometimes marry at twenty. Those who like to have a family late sometimes marry at forty. When the late marriages are made up by the early ones, (the average) is still later than the legal requirements of the sage-kings by ten years. Supposing births are given to children on an average of one in three years, then two or three children should have been born (by the time men now marry). This is not just to urge men to establish families early in order to increase the population. But also...

1. 者 : Inserted.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.