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Scope: Wan Zhang II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "有貴戚之卿有異姓之卿" Matched:1.
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萬章下 - Wan Zhang II

Books referencing 《萬章下》 Library Resources
18 萬章下:
Wan Zhang II:
The king Xuan of Qi asked about the office of high ministers. Mencius said, 'Which high ministers is your Majesty asking about?'
'Are there differences among them?' inquired the king.
'There are' was the reply. 'There are the high ministers who are noble and relatives of the prince, and there are those who are of a different surname.'
The king said, 'I beg to ask about the high ministers who are noble and relatives of the prince.'
Mencius answered, 'If the prince have great faults, they ought to remonstrate with him, and if he do not listen to them after they have done so again and again, they ought to dethrone him.'
The king on this looked moved, and changed countenance. Mencius said, 'Let not your Majesty be offended. You asked me, and I dare not answer but according to truth.'
The king's countenance became composed, and he then begged to ask about high ministers who were of a different surname from the prince. Mencius said, 'When the prince has faults, they ought to remonstrate with him; and if he do not listen to them after they have done this again and again, they ought to leave the State.'

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