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Scope: Teng Wen Gong II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "戴盈之曰什一去關市之征今茲未能" Matched:1.
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滕文公下 - Teng Wen Gong II

Library Resources
13 滕文公下:
Teng Wen Gong II:
Dai Ying Zhi said to Mencius, 'I am not able at present and immediately to do with the levying of a tithe only, and abolishing the duties charged at the passes and in the markets. With your leave I will lighten, however, both the tax and the duties, until next year, and will then make an end of them. What do you think of such a course?'
Mencius said, 'Here is a man, who every day appropriates some of his neighbour's strayed fowls. Some one says to him, "Such is not the way of a good man;" and he replies, "With your leave I will diminish my appropriations, and will take only one fowl a month, until next year, when I will make an end of the practice." If you know that the thing is unrighteous, then use all despatch in putting an end to it - why wait till next year?'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.