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Scope: Liang Hui Wang II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "孟子對曰昔者大王居邠狄人侵之去之岐山之下居焉" Matched:1.
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梁惠王下 - Liang Hui Wang II

Books referencing 《梁惠王下》 Library Resources
21 梁惠王下:
Liang Hui Wang II:
The duke Wen of Teng asked Mencius, saying, 'The people of Qi are going to fortify Xue. The movement occasions me great alarm. What is the proper course for me to take in the case?'
Mencius replied, 'Formerly, when king Tai dwelt in Bin, the barbarians of the north were continually making incursions upon it. He therefore left it, went to the foot of mount Qi, and there took up his residence. He did not take that situation, as having selected it. It was a matter of necessity with him. If you do good, among your descendants, in after generations, there shall be one who will attain to the royal dignity. A prince lays the foundation of the inheritance, and hands down the beginning which he has made, doing what may be continued by his successors. As to the accomplishment of the great result, that is with Heaven. What is that Qi to you, 0 prince? Be strong to do good. That is all your business.'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.