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Scope: Jin Xin I Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "孟子曰易其田疇薄其稅斂民可使富也" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

盡心上 - Jin Xin I

Library Resources
23 盡心上:
Jin Xin I:
Mencius said, 'Let it be seen to that their fields of grain and hemp are well cultivated, and make the taxes on them light - so the people may be made rich. Let it be seen to that the people use their resources of food seasonably, and expend their wealth only on the prescribed ceremonies - so their wealth will be more than can be consumed. The people cannot live without water and fire, yet if you knock at a man's door in the dusk of the evening, and ask for water and fire, there is no man who will not give them, such is the abundance of these things. A sage governs the kingdom so as to cause pulse and grain to be as abundant as water and fire. When pulse and grain are as abundant as water and fire, how shall the people be other than virtuous?'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.