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Scope: Gaozi II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "夫苟好善則四海之內皆將輕千里而來告之以善" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

告子下 - Gaozi II

Library Resources
33 告子下:
Gaozi II:
The prince of Lu wanting to commit the administration of his government to the disciple Yue Zheng,
Mencius said, 'When I heard of it, I was so glad that I could not sleep.'
Gong Sun Chou asked, 'Is Yue Zheng a man of vigour?' and was answered, 'No.'
'Is he wise in council?' 'No.'
'Is he possessed of much information?' 'No.'
'What then made you so glad that you could not sleep?' 'He is a man who loves what is good.'
'Is the love of what is good sufficient?' 'The love of what is good is more than a sufficient qualification for the government of the kingdom; how much more is it so for the State of Lu! If a minister love what is good, all within the four seas will count 1000 li but a small distance, and will come and lay their good thoughts before him. If he do not love what is good, men will say, "How self-conceited he looks? He is sayinq to himself, I know it." The language and looks of that self-conceit will keep men off at a distance of 1,000 li. When good men stop 1,000 li off, calumniators, flatterers, and sycophants will make their appearance. When a minister lives among calumniators, flatterers, and sycophants, though he may wish the State to be well governed, is it possible for it to be so?'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.