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Scope: Tan Gong II Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "衛獻公出奔反於衛及郊將班邑於從者而後入" Matched:1.
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檀弓下 - Tan Gong II

Books referencing 《檀弓下》 Library Resources
173 檀弓下:
Tan Gong II:
Duke Xian of Wei having (been obliged to) flee from the state, when he returned, and had reached the suburbs (of the capital), he was about to grant certain towns and lands to those who had attended him in his exile before entering. Liu Zhuang said, 'If all had (remained at home) to guard the altars for you, who would have been able to follow you with halter and bridle? And if all had followed you, who would have guarded the altars? Your lordship has now returned to the state, and will -it not be wrong for you to show a partial feeling?' The intended allotment did not take place.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.