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Scope: Tan Gong I Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "孔子既得合葬於防曰吾聞之古也墓而不墳" Matched:1.
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檀弓上 - Tan Gong I

Books referencing 《檀弓上》 Library Resources
6 檀弓上:
Tan Gong I:
When Confucius had succeeded in burying (his mother) in the same grave (with his father) at Fang, he said, 'I have heard that the ancients made graves (only), and raised no mound over them. But I am a man, who will be (travelling) east, west, south, and north. I cannot do without something by which I can remember (the place).' On this, he (resolved to) raise a mound (over the grave) four feet high.
He then first returned, leaving the disciples behind. A great rain came on; and when they rejoined him, he asked them what had made them so late. 'The earth slipped,' they said, 'from the grave at Fang.' They told him this thrice without his giving them any answer. He then wept freely, and said, 'I have heard that the ancients did not need to repair their graves.'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.