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Scope: Ben Sang Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "眾主人兄弟皆出門哭止" Matched:1.
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奔喪 - Ben Sang

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《奔喪》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "Rules on hurrying to the mourning rites"]

14 奔喪:
Ben Sang:
In all cases where one made a place for his mourning (away from home), if it were not on occasion of the death of a parent, but for some relative of the classes not so nearly related, he went to the station, and wailed, giving full vent to his sorrow. Having put on the cincture for the head and the girdle on the east, he came back to the station, bared his arms, and went through the leaping. He then covered his arms, bowed to the visitors, went back to the station, wailed, and went through the leaping. (After this), he escorted the guests away, and came back to the station, when the director told him to go to the shed. When the fifth wailing was ended, on the third day, the presiding mourner came forth and escorted the visitors away. All the principal mourners and their cousins went out at the gate, wailed, and stopped there. The director announced to them that the business was ended. He put on his full mourning-garb, and bowed to the visitors.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.