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Rulers of Cài (蔡)

CTP Dictionary -> Rulers of the states -> Zhou dynasty -> Rulers of Cài (蔡)

Throne namePersonal nameReign yearsEnglishEra Names
蔡叔度姬度Shu Du of Cai
蔡仲胡姬胡Zhong Hu of Cai
蔡伯荒姬荒Bo Huang of Cai
蔡宮侯Marquess Gong of Cai
蔡厲侯Marquess Li of Cai
蔡武侯863 BC-837 BCMarquess Wu of Cai
蔡夷侯837 BC-809 BCMarquess Yi of Cai
蔡釐侯姬所事809 BC-761 BCMarquess Li of Cai
蔡共侯姬興761 BC-760 BCMarquess Gong of Cai
蔡戴侯759 BC-750 BCMarquess Dai of Cai
蔡宣侯姬措父749 BC-715 BCMarquess Xuan of Cai
蔡桓侯姬封人714 BC-695 BCMarquess Huan of Cai
蔡哀侯姬獻舞694 BC-675 BCMarquess Ai of Cai
蔡穆侯姬肸674 BC-646 BCMarquess Mu of Cai
蔡莊侯姬甲午645 BC-612 BCMarquess Zhuang of Cai
蔡文侯姬申611 BC-592 BCMarquess Wen of Cai
蔡景侯姬固591 BC-543 BCMarquess Jing of Cai
蔡靈侯姬般542 BC-531 BCMarquess Ling of Cai
蔡平侯姬廬530 BC-522 BCMarquess Ping of Cai
蔡悼侯姬東國521 BC-519 BCMarquess Dao of Cai
蔡昭侯姬申518 BC-491 BCMarquess Zhao of Cai
蔡成侯姬朔490 BC-472 BCMarquess Cheng of Cai
蔡聲侯姬產471 BC-457 BCMarquess Sheng of Cai
蔡元侯456 BC-451 BCMarquess Yuan of Cai
蔡侯齊姬齊450 BC-447 BCMarquess Qi of Cai

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