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儒家 -> 禮記 -> 檀弓上 -> 9

子思Zi-si said,
'On the third day of mourning, when the body is put into the coffin,
(a son) should exercise sincerity and good faith in regard to everything that is placed with it,
so that there shall be no occasion for repentance.
In the third month when the body is interred,
he should do the same in regard to everything that is placed with the coffin in the grave,
and for the same reason.
Three years are considered as the extreme limit of mourning;
but though (his parents) are out of sight, a son does not forget them.
君子 Hence a superior man will have a lifelong grief,
but not one morning's trouble (from without);
。」and thus on the anniversary of a parent's death, he does not listen to music.'
