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儒家 -> 禮記 -> 曲禮下 -> 82

The ruler of a state should not call by their names his highest ministers, nor the two noble ladies of her surname, who accompanied his wife to the harem.
A Great officer should not call in that way an officer who had been employed by his father, nor the niece and younger sister of his wife (members of his harem).
(Another) officer should not call by name the steward of his family, nor his principal concubine.
The son of a Great officer (of the king, himself equal to) a ruler,
」;should not presume to speak of himself as 'I, the little son.
The son of a Great officer or (other) officer (of a state)
」,should not presume to speak of himself as 'I, the inheriting son, so-and-so.'
They should not so presume to speak of themselves as their heir-sons do.
