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墨家 -> 墨子 -> 卷四 -> 兼愛中 -> 2

1But whence did these calamities arise,
out of mutual love?
墨子:「Mozi said: They arise out of want of mutual love.
諸侯At present feudal lords have learned only to love their own states
and not those of others.
Therefore they do not scruple about attacking other states.
The heads of houses have learned only to love their own houses
and not those of others.
Therefore they do not scruple about usurping other houses.
And individuals have learned only to love themselves
and not others.
Therefore they do not scruple about injuring others.
諸侯When feudal lords do not love one another there will be war on the fields.
When heads of houses do not love one another they will usurp one another's power.
When individuals do not love one another they will injure one another.
When ruler and ruled do not love one another they will not be gracious and loyal.
When father and son do not love each other they will not be affectionate and filial.
調 When older and younger brothers do not love each other they will not be harmonious.
天下When nobody in the world loves any other, naturally the strong will overpower the weak, the many will oppress the few, the wealthy will mock the poor, the honoured will disdain the humble, the cunning will deceive the simple.
天下Therefore all the calamities, strifes, complaints, and hatred in the world
have arisen out of want of mutual love.
。」 Therefore the benevolent disapproved of this want.

1. 察 : 原作「崇」。自孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》改。
