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The tyrant abandoned himself all the more to lust and dissipation,
and the viscount of Wei remonstrated with him several times, but he would not heed,
so having consulted with the senior and junior tutors the viscount of Wei withdrew from court.
比干 Bigan said,
。」 'A minister cannot but argue to the death';
he accordingly remonstrated vehemently with the tyrant,
who in a rage said,
聖人。」 'I have heard that the heart of a holy man has seven apertures,'
比干and cut Bigan open
to look at his heart.
箕子The viscount of Ji, in terror,
then feigned himself mad, and became a slave,
and the tyrant again imprisoned him.
The senior and junior tutors of Yin, accordingly, taking the sacrificial and musical implements, hastened to the Zhou State,
周武王諸侯 and King Wu of Zhou upon this marched at the head of the princes to attack the tyrant,
who also sent out an army to withstand him in the plain of Mu.
On the day Jiazi
the tyrant's troops were beaten,
and he himself fled
鹿臺to the Stag tower, which he ascended,
and, putting on his gorgeous robes and jewels,
burnt himself to death.
周武王King Wu of Zhou then cut off the tyrant's head
and exhibited it on a pole;
妲己 he also slew Daji,
箕子 released the viscount of Ji from prison,
比干 raised a tumulus over the grave of Bigan,
and made a eulogy to the memory of Shangrong.
武庚祿His sons, Wugeng and Lufu, were appointed
to continue the sacrifices to the Yins.
He restored Pangeng's mode of administration,
and the people of Yin were greatly rejoiced.
周武王天子 Whereupon King Wu of Zhou became Son of Heaven (emperor).
His descendants abolished the title of Di (divine emperor),
and called themselves kings (Wang);
諸侯and the descendants of the Yins were made princes
subordinate to the house of Zhou.
