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史書 -> 史記 -> 本紀 -> 殷本紀 -> 19

祖乙Zuyi died,
帝祖辛 and his son Emperor Zuxin (Ancestor H) came to the throne.
帝祖辛 Emperor Zuxin died,
沃甲帝沃甲and his brother Wojia (Glossy A), i.e. Emperor Wojia, came to the throne.
帝沃甲沃甲祖辛祖丁帝祖丁Emperor Wojia died, and Zuding (Ancestor D), that is Emperor Zuding, who was Wojia's elder brother, was put on the throne.
帝祖丁沃甲南庚帝南庚Emperor Zuding died, and his brother Wojia's son, Nangeng (South G), that is Emperor Nangeng, was put on the throne.
帝南庚帝祖丁陽甲帝陽甲Emperor Nangeng died, and Emperor Zuding's son Yangjia (Male A), that is Emperor Yangjia, was put on the throne.
帝陽甲In his reign the power of the Yins declined.
