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史書 -> 史記 -> 本紀 -> 五帝本紀 -> 20

冀州Shun was a native of Jizhou,
歷山 ploughed on Li mountain,
雷澤 fished in Thunder lake,
made pots on the bank of the river,
fashioned various articles at Shouqiu,
負夏 and went now and then to Fuxia.
瞽叟Shun's father, Gusou, was unprincipled, his mother insincere, and his brother, Xiang, arrogant.
They all tried to kill Shun, who was obedient, and never by chance failed in his duty as a son,
or his fraternal love.
Though they tried to kill him
they did not succeed,
and when they sought him
he got out of the way.
