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史书 -> 史记 -> 本纪 -> 五帝本纪 -> 14.1

:“Yao said, 'Alas!
O president of the four mountains,
I have been on the throne seventy years;
you are able to carry out the decrees,
?”do you occupy my throne.'
The president replied,
。”'My moral qualities are of such a low order that I should disgrace the Imperial throne.'
Yao said,
。”'You must all recommend one of your esteemed relations, or even an obscure stranger.'
All the courtiers said to Yao,
'There is an unmarried man of the lower orders
虞舜。” called Shun of Yu.'
Yao said,
I have heard of him,
?”what is he like?'
The president said,
'He is the son of a blind man;
his father was unprincipled,
his mother insincere,
and his brother arrogant,
but he managed by his dutiful conduct to be reconciled to them,
so they have gradually improved,
。”and not been extremely wicked.'
:“。”'Shall I try him?' said Yao.
He then married his two daughters to Shun,
and watched his behaviour towards them.
Shun sent the two women down to the north of the Gui river,
and treated them with the ceremony due to them as his wives.
