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道家 -> 莊子 -> 雜篇 -> 徐無鬼 -> 5.3

惠子Huizi replied,
'Here now are the literati, and the followers of Mo, Yang, and Bing.
Suppose that they have come to dispute with me.
They put forth their conflicting statements;
they try vociferously to put me down;
but none of them have ever proved me wrong:
?」 what do you say to this?'
莊子 Zhuangzi said,
'There was a man of Qi who cast away his son in Song to be a gatekeeper there,
and thinking nothing of the mutilation he would incur;
the same man, to secure one of his sacrificial vessels or bells, would have it strapped and secured,
while to find his son who was lost, he would not go out of the territory of his own state:
so forgetful was he of the relative importance of things.
If a man of Chu, going to another state as a lame gate-keeper,
at midnight, at a time when no one was nigh, were to fight with his boatman,
he would not be abie to reach the shore,
。」 and he would have done what he could to provoke the boatman's animosity.'
