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道家 -> 莊子 -> 雜篇 -> 盜跖 -> 1

孔子柳下季Confucius was on terms of friendship with Liu-xia Ji,
柳下季盜跖 who had a brother named Dao Zhi.
盜跖 This Dao Zhi had 9,000 followers,
天下 who marched at their will through the kingdom,
諸侯 assailing and oppressing the different princes.
They dug through walls and broke into houses;
they drove away people's cattle and horses;
they carried off people's wives and daughters.
In their greed to get, they forgot the claims of kinship,
and paid no regard to their parents and brethren.
They did not sacrifice to their ancestors.
Wherever they passed through the country,
in the larger states the people guarded their city walls,
and in the smaller the people took to their strongholds.
All were distressed by them.
