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經典文獻 -> 尚書 -> 虞書 -> 堯典 -> 4

The Di said,
(President of) the Four Mountains,
I have been on the throne seventy years.
You can carry out my commands
?」- I will resign my place to you.'
The Chief said,
。」'I have not the virtue; I should disgrace your place.'
(The Di) said,
。」'Show me some one among the illustrious, or set forth one from among the poor and mean.'
All (then) said to the Di,
'There is an unmarried man among the lower people,
虞舜。」 called Shun of Yu'.
The Di said,
I have heard of him.
?」 What have you to say about him?'
The Chief said,'
He is the son of a blind man.
His father was obstinately unprincipled;
his (step-)mother was insincere;
his (half-) brother Xiang was arrogant.
He has been able (however), by his filial piety to live in harmony with them,
and to lead them gradually to self-government,
。」 so that they (no longer) proceed to great wickedness.'
The Di said,
'I will try him;
I will wive him,
。」 and thereby see his behaviour with my two daughters.'
(Accordingly) he arranged and sent down his two daughters to the north of the Gui,
to be wives in (the family of) Yu.
The Di said to them,
!」 'Be reverent!'
