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Confucianism -> Liji -> Qu Li I -> 12

When one is ten years old, we call him a boy;
he goes (out) to school.
When he is twenty, we call him a youth;
he is capped.
When he is thirty, we say, 'He is at his maturity;'
he has a wife.
When he is forty, we say, 'He is in his vigour;'
he is employed in office.
When he is fifty, we say, 'He is getting grey;'
he can discharge all the duties of an officer.
When he is sixty, we say, 'He is getting old;'
使he gives directions and instructions.
When he is seventy, we say, 'He is old;'
he delegates his duties to others.
At eighty or ninety, we say of him, 'He is very old.'
When he is seven, we say that he is an object of pitying love.
Such a child and one who is very old, though they may be chargeable with crime,
are not subjected to punishment.
At a hundred, he is called a centenarian,
and has to be fed.

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