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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 8 -> Condemnation of Music I -> 3

王公大人As the rulers
look down from a high tower or in a grand arbour,
a bell is just like an inverted ding.
If it is not struck wherefrom would come the pleasure?
Therefore it must be struck.
To strike it of course
使 the aged and the young would not be employed.
For their eyes and ears are not keen,
their arms are not strong,
調and they cannot produce an harmonious tone
with varied expression.
使調So, those in the prime of life must be employed because their eyes and ears are keen, their limbs strong, their voices harmonious and varied in expression.
使If men are employed
it interferes with their ploughing and planting.
使If women are employed
it interferes with their weaving and spinning.
王公大人Now, the rulers take to music and deprive the people of their means of clothing and food to such an extent!
墨子:「。」Therefore Mozi said: To have music is wrong.

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