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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 8 -> On Ghosts III -> 17

Really the intelligence of the ghosts and spirits
cannot be combated. Even in solitary caves, big ponds, woods and valleys,
the ghosts and spirits are watching.
And the punishments from ghosts and spirits
cannot be evaded. Even wealth and great numbers, daring and strength,
strong armour and sharp weapons,
the punishment of ghosts and spirits will frustrate.
If this is doubted,
look at the story of the ancient King Jie of Xia.
天子He was an emperor in honour
天下 and possessed the whole empire in wealth.
He cursed Heaven and blasphemed against the spirits above
天下 and destroyed the multitudes below.
使 Thereupon Heaven commissioned Tang to carry out the judicious punishment.
With nine chariots Tang
arranged the Bird Formation and the Wild Goose March.
He climbed the Dacan
and scattered the forces of Xia
and entered its land.
推哆大戲 And he captured Tui Yi Da Xi.
Now, King Jie of Xia
天子was an emperor in honour
天下 and possessed the whole empire in wealth.
In his service was the man of great daring and strength, Tui Yi Da Xi,
who had torn apart a buffalo alive.
He could kill a man at the move of a finger,
and the number of those killed amounted to a million,
and they were thrown into lakes and mountains.
Yet, for all this, Jie coald not evade the punishment from ghosts and spirits.
This is why I say even wealth and numbers, daring and strength, strong armour and sharp weapons cannot combat the punishment from ghosts and spirits.

1. 為 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》
2. 力 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》
3. 人 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》

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