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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 8 -> On Ghosts III -> 16

墨子Mozi said:
As to the fact that ghosts and spirits can reward virtue as well as punish vice,
if it could be proclaimed to the whole country
and to all the people
it would really be a source of orderliness in the country and blessing to the people.
The corruption of the officials in their public charges
and the immorality among men and women
will all be seen by ghosts and spirits.
The vice of those who,
with weapons, poisons, and water and fire,
退waylay innocent travellers
and rob them of their carts and horses, coats and fur coats to enrich themselves
will be seen by ghosts and spirits.
Thereupon the officials
will not dare be corrupt in office,
withholding reward when they find the virtuous
or withholding punishment when they find the wicked.
And those among the people who commit vice and cruelties
and with weapons, poisons, and water and fire
退 waylay the innocent travellers,
robbing them of their carts and horses, coats and fur coats to enrich themselves
- all these will be no more.
天下 And the world will have order.

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