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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 8 -> On Ghosts III -> 12

Deep was their own interest in the welfare of ghosts and spirits.
Yet they were afraid their descendants might not understand it.
Thus they recorded it on bamboos and silk to bequeath to them.
Fearing that these might rot and disappear
so that the descendants might not learn it,
they engraved it on plates and cups and cut it in metals and stones.
They feared also that the descendants might not be reverent and obtain blessing,
聖人 and so among the books of the ancient kings and the records of sages testimonies to the existence of ghosts and spirits occur time and again even on a single foot of silk or a single sheet in the books.
Why was this?
Because the sage-kings were interested in it.
Those who deny the existence of spirits, saying
"Ghosts and spirits
。』 just do not exist",
are opposing the interest of the sage-kings.
Opposing the interest of the sage-kings
君子!」 is not the way of the superior man.

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