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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 6 -> Economy of Expenditures II -> 6

In those ancient days, at the beginning of the race, when there were no palaces or houses, people lived in caves dug at the side of hills and mounds.
The sage-kings felt quite concerned,
:『』, thinking that the caves might keep off the wind and cold in winter,
but that in summer
it would be wet below
and steaming above
which might hurt the health of the people.
。」 So palaces and houses were built and found useful.
Now, what is the standard in building palaces and houses?
墨子 Mozi said:
Just so that on the side it can keep off the wind and the cold,
on top it can keep off the snow, frost, rain, and dew,
within it is clean enough for sacrificial purposes,
and that the partition in the palace is high enough to separate the men from the women.
What causes extra expenditure but does not add any benefit to the people,
。」 the sage-kings will not undertake.

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