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Confucianism -> Liji -> Yue Ji -> 42.6

A ruler has only to be careful of what he likes and dislikes.
What the ruler likes,
his ministers will practise;
and what superiors do,
their inferiors follow.
:『』,This is the sentiment in the Book of Poetry (III, ii, ode 10, 6), "To lead the people is very easy."
聖人 Seeing this, and after (the repose of the people was secured), the sages made hand-drums and drums, the stopper and the starter, the earthen whistle and the bamboo flute - the six instruments which produced the sounds of their virtuous airs. After these came the bell, the sounding-stone, the organ with thirty-six pipes, and the large lute, to be played in harmony with them; the shields, axes, ox-tails, and plumes, brandished by the pantomimes in time and tune. These they employed at the sacrifices in the temple of the former kings, at festivals in offering and receiving the pledge cup; in arranging the services of officers (in the temple) according to the rank due to each, as noble or mean, and in showing to future ages how they observed the order due to rank and to age.

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