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Confucianism -> Liji -> Yue Ji -> 4.1

There is an interaction between the words and airs (of the people)
and the character of their government.
(The note) gong represents the ruler;
shang, the ministers;
jiao, the people;
zhi, affairs;
and yu, things.
If there be no disorder or irregularity in these five notes,
there will be no want of harmony in the state.
If gong be irregular, (the air) is wild and broken;
the ruler of the state is haughty.
If shang be irregular, (the air) is jerky; the offices of the state are decayed.
If jiao be irregular, (the air) expresses anxiety; the people are dissatisfied.
If zhi be irregular, (the air) expresses sorrow; affairs are strained.
If yu be irregular, (the air) is expressive of impending ruin;
the resources (of the state) are exhausted.
If the five notes are all irregular,
and injuriously interfere with one another,
they indicate a state of insolent disorder;
and the state where this is the case will at no distant day meet with extinction and ruin.

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