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Confucianism -> Liji -> Nei Ze -> 47.2

西西The kings of the three dynasties, in nourishing the old, always caused the members of families who were advanced in years to be brought to their notice. Where an officer was eighty, one of his friends was free from all service of government; where he was ninety, all the members of his family were exempted from them. So also it was in the case of the blind. (Shun), the lord of Yu, entertained the aged (who had retired from the service) of the state in (the school called) the higher xiang, and the aged of the common people in (the school called) the lower xiang. The sovereigns of the line of Xia entertained the former in (the school called) the xu on the east, and the latter in (that called) the xu on the west. The men of Yin entertained the former in the School of the Right, and the latter in that of the Left. The men of Zhou entertained the former in the jiao on the east, and the latter in the Yu xiang. This was in the suburb of the capital on the west. The lord of Yu wore the huan cap in sacrificing (in the ancestral temple), and the white robes in entertaining the aged. The sovereigns of Xia sacrificed in the shin cap, and entertained the aged in the dark garments of undress. Those of Yin sacrificed in the xu cap, and entertained in the garments of white thin silk. Those of Zhou sacrificed in the mian cap, and entertained the aged in the dark upper garment (and the lower white one).

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