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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 8 -> On Ghosts III -> 5

Not only does the record in this book prove it to be so.
鄭穆公Formerly, Lord Mu of Qin (about 640 B.C.)
was once in the temple at noon.
A spirit entered and alighted.
He had the face of a man but the body of a bird.
His attire was plain and dark.
His appearance was dignified.
鄭穆公Seeing him Lord Mu
became afraid and was rushing away.
The spirit said: "Do not be afraid.
God cherishes your intelligent virtue,
使 authorizing me to prolong your age by nineteen years,
使and ordaining your state to be prosperous
and your descendants to be many
and not to lose Qin."
鄭穆公Lord Mu saluted him repeatedly and bowed, saying:
"May I ask the name of my god?"
:『。』He answered: "I am Gou Mang."
鄭穆公 If we are to accept what Lord Mu of Qin had seen personally as reliable,
then how can we doubt that spirits and ghosts exist?

1. 也 : Inserted.
2. 神曰:『無懼! : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》
3. 名 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》

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