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Daoism -> Zhuangzi -> Miscellaneous Chapters -> Xu Wu-gui -> 12

齧缺許由Nie Que met Xu You (on the way),
and said to him,
?」'Where, Sir, are you going to?'
:「。」'I am fleeing from Yao,' was the reply.
:「?」What do you mean?'
:「'Yao has become so bent on his benevolence
天下 that I am afraid the world will laugh at him,
and that in future ages men will be found eating one another.
Now the people are collected together without difficulty.
Love them, and they respond with affection;
benefit them, and they come to you;
praise them, and they are stimulated (to please you);
make them to experience what they dislike, and they disperse.
When the loving and benefiting proceed from benevolence and righteousness,
those who forget the benevolence and righteousness are few,
and those who make a profit of them are many.
In this way the practice of benevolence and righteousness
comes to be without sincerity
and is like a borrowing of the instruments with which men catch birds.
天下 In all this the one man's seeking to benefit the world by his decisions and enactments (of such a nature)
is as if he were to cut through (the nature of all) by one operation
天下 - Yao knows how wise and superior men can benefit the world,
天下 but he does not also know how they injure it.
。」 It is only those who stand outside such men that know this.'

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