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Daoism -> Zhuangzi -> Miscellaneous Chapters -> Xu Wu-gui -> 5.1

莊子Zhuangzi said,
'An archer, without taking aim beforehand, yet may hit the mark.
If we say that he is a good archer,
天下羿 and that all the world may be Yis,
?」 is this allowable?'
惠子 Huizi replied,
。」 'It is.'
莊子 Zhuangzi continued,
天下 'All men do not agree in counting the same thing to be right,
but every one maintains his own view to be right;
天下 (if we say) that all men may be Yaos,
?」 is this allowable?'
惠子 Huizi (again) replied,
。」 'It is;'

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