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Daoism -> Zhuangzi -> Outer Chapters -> Perfect Enjoyment -> 2

莊子When Zhuangzi's wife died,
惠子 Huizi went to condole with him,
莊子and, finding him squatted on the ground, drumming on the basin, and singing,
惠子 said to him,
'When a wife has lived with her husband, and brought up children,
and then dies in her old age,
not to wail for her is enough.
When you go on to drum on this basin and sing,
!」 is it not an excessive (and strange) demonstration?'
莊子:「Zhuangzi replied, 'It is not so.
When she first died,
was it possible for me to be singular and not affected by the event?
But I reflected on the commencement of her being. She had not yet been born to life;
not only had she no life,
but she had no bodily form;
not only had she no bodily form,
but she had no breath.
During the intermingling of the waste and dark chaos,
there ensued a change, and there was breath;
another change, and there was the bodily form;
another change, and there came birth and life.
There is now a change again, and she is dead.
The relation between these things is like the procession of the four seasons from spring to autumn, from winter to summer.
There now she lies with her face up, sleeping in the Great Chamber;
and if I were to fall sobbing and going on to wall for her,
I should think that I did not understand what was appointed (for all).
。」 I therefore restrained myself!'

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